What Are the Advantages of AI and CRM Integration?


In our latest article published a few days ago, we discussed yet another update from the Salesforce world about AI and how it has been gaining traction in recent months. Its progress is on a steady rise, requiring continuous attention for constant and feasible improvements.
Thanks to artificial intelligence, today’s businesses can deliver predictive and personalized experiences throughout the customer journey.
Let’s explore how AI will enhance every aspect of CRM, further minimizing customer churn during the purchase process.

AI and CRM Integration: A Winning Combination

When talking about CRM today, especially with AI and machine learning, corporate sales and marketing teams can expect radical changes in their overall effectiveness.
Currently, most people use CRM solutions to view contact information and access the history of interactions between the company and the customer. While businesses hold a massive amount of data, they often don’t know which contacts in their database are most likely to make a purchase or take a specific call to action (CTA).

AI and CRM Integration

This is where the power of AI within CRM comes into play, enabling different priorities to be assigned to different targets and providing sales teams with insights into the likelihood of each lead making a purchase. This helps them identify which leads to focus their efforts on. Essentially, artificial intelligence analyzes the data collected by a CRM system and uses it to make more or less accurate predictions.
Until recently, AI was largely out of reach for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): the high cost of the technology, combined with a shortage of data experts, made it feasible only for some large international companies. However, in recent years, we’ve witnessed a gradual reduction in technological costs alongside the spread of technology and industry expertise. Platforms like Salesforce CRM have made AI accessible to SMEs, allowing them to become more competitive by leveraging the business opportunities provided by artificial intelligence.
But one question naturally arises: What is the main objective of CRM, and why is it necessary to combine it with artificial intelligence? The primary goal is undoubtedly to understand customers and offer them personalized, valuable products that meet their specific needs.
Since its inception, CRM has always relied on a database, but today, data and information management goes beyond merely collecting, storing, and retrieving customer data on demand. Instead, it focuses on the processes of extracting, analyzing, and interpreting this data, which gives true value to the information received—and all of this is made possible by the extraordinary power of AI.
AI and CRM are, therefore, a winning combination. Thanks to its innovative power, this integration can achieve remarkable results, saving precious time, optimizing costs and resources. It’s true what they say: you don’t change a winning team. And in our near future, AI can only become an invaluable companion on the journey ahead.

Integration between AI and CRM: main advantages

The culture of a company that relies on CRM is focused on preserving and enhancing customer-related data and information, including their transactions and demonstrated needs. The more organized this information is, the more functional it becomes, fostering effective collaboration between marketing, sales, and customer service departments. Below, we outline the key benefits that CRM gains from AI integration.

AI and CRM integration: increasing data management efficiency

One of the main advantages of the integration between AI and CRM is certainly its ability to increase efficiency in data management. Recent industry studies have shown that less than 1% of the data in CRM systems is analyzed. This is definitely a drawback, especially considering that 77% of customers claim they don’t feel engaged with the companies they interact with. The data in CRM systems today can be managed in such a way that AI can interpret and use it to provide valuable input towards achieving business goals. By doing so, companies can simplify and improve customer interaction not only in the marketing area but also in customer service, using a tool that enables them to respond more quickly and accurately to user needs.”

Integrazione tra AI e CRM: AI chatbot

AI e CRM integration: AI chatbot

Un altro vantaggio di questo connubio tra AI e CRM è dato dal mondo dei chatbot, il quale si sta evolvendo grazie all’integrazione con l’Intelligenza artificiale. Gli AI chatbot sfruttano il machine learning e l’elaborazione del linguaggio naturale al fine di comprendere l’intento alla base delle richieste dei clienti, potendo avere contezza dell’intera cronologia delle conversazioni di ciascun utente quando si interagisce con loro e rispondere poi alle domande in modo naturale e umano. Così facendo, la customer experience sarà certamente di livello superiore.

Integration between AI and CRM: maximum personalization

Continuing with the benefits, what makes the integration between AI and CRM special is also the possibility of maximum personalization. All the data collected in a CRM system is meaningless if it is not utilized, and this is where most companies using CRM without AI run into trouble. The lack of integration between CRM and AI results in the loss of a true goldmine. A CRM, with the help of AI, makes companies more responsive and faster, ensuring that the user experience can be fully customized.

Integrazione tra AI e CRM: strategia commerciale ottimizzata

But it doesn’t end there! Thanks to the integration between AI and CRM, and the automatic data acquisition and intelligent analysis of that data, companies have the opportunity to create more accurate profiles of customers who are more likely to purchase products. By predicting customer behavior, companies can take personalized actions to avoid using invasive advertising, providing material of genuine interest to each potential customer. Furthermore, artificial intelligence can also be used to analyze customer emotions in order to develop strategies that increase their level of engagement.

AI and CRM Integration: market trends predictions

Prevedere il mercato con il CRM in combinazione con l’AI è ora possibile. Combinare i dati provenienti da diverse fonti, quali: trend economici, conversazioni sui social media, storico di vendite passate e tempi di chiusura di un deal, in combinazione con i dati del CRM e con l’intelligenza artificiale è ora possibile. L’AI, infatti, fornisce informazioni utili che i manager possono utilizzare per anticipare, pianificare e sfruttare le opportunità imminenti.

Integration between AI and CRM: segmentation and predictive system

Predicting the future? Until recently, it seemed like a fantasy. Today, everything has changed. A CRM system integrated with AI is capable of learning from past decisions, actions taken, and historical models available in the data to qualify leads. By using the insights gathered, the CRM software can create personalized messages to determine the right channel and the best time to launch a more targeted campaign. Furthermore, AI provides guidance on prioritizing the most qualified leads to choose the best action to close a deal.

AI e CRM integration: focus on customer satisfaction

There’s a lot of talk about customer satisfaction and how important it is today for any company that not only wants to compete in the market but also to stay there for as long as possible, becoming well-known and appreciated. In this regard, a personalized and high-quality service is undoubtedly a key factor in ensuring customer satisfaction. By using a targeted marketing strategy at the right time and in the right context, companies can help their customers develop positive feelings towards their brand. The evolution towards a more efficient CRM, which allows for saving time and costs while offering valuable products, is only possible with the aid of AI.

In conclusion

Will AI transform CRM? That is the question being asked by those in the industry today.

Integrazione tra AI e CRM - conclusione

Well, as this technology is constantly growing, more and more devices will gradually become sources of data capable of fueling artificial intelligence: this has a huge impact on the customer experience and the foundations upon which CRM is built. It’s no surprise, then, that companies interacting daily with their customers have started to introduce artificial intelligence into their customer service activities. Finally, artificial intelligence will have a substantial impact on the overall CRM market. Only time will tell how deeply AI will continue to transform not only CRM systems but business platforms as a whole. Artificial intelligence will be essential to providing high-quality, personalized experiences to customers and is the next step in the evolution of CRM. At Artmatica Partners, we know how essential AI will be in the near future. That’s why we support all those businesses choosing to embark on the path of digital transformation through CRM and a high degree of personalization. See you next time!
