Supply Chain Planning: Building resilience and agility


At Aeonvis, we elevate supply chain planning to a competitive strategy through innovation and integration.

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We innovate business planning with the best technologies on the market, enabling visibility, optimization and end-to-end simulations of all processes involved.

Our established experience in managing transformation projects is reflected in numerous successfully completed initiatives, confirming our expertise in leading change.

Luca Carsana
Luca Carsana
Executive Director - Aeonvis

“The concept of supply chain planning, in its various declinations of Demand & Supply Planning, Sales & Operations Planning and Production Planning, has been around since the 1950s. Yet, many companies, Italian and international, continue to manage it with outdated or partial solutions, often based on office tools. This leads to slow and rigid processes, where instead flexibility and speed are needed to deal with constantly changing markets. Aeonvis, with Kinaxis Maestro, acts as an ideal partner to address these challenges, offering modern and integrated solutions to make supply chain planning processes more flexible, fast and responsive, helping companies to adapt quickly to continuous market changes.”


Orchestration of the Supply Chain Ecosystem

In an environment of volatile global markets and increasing operational complexity, effective orchestration of the supply chain planning process enables companies to improve agility, optimize resources, and respond quickly to changes in demand or supply crises. Aeonvis serves as a strategic partner, supporting holistic supply chain transformation that harmoniously blends expertise, technology and innovation.

Aeonvis’s view on the main pillars of a planning process:

team di esperti in riunione. Al centro dell’approccio di Aeonvis al supply chain planning c’è il Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP), un framework collaborativo che allinea le previsioni di domanda, la pianificazione operativa e le strategie aziendali.


Sales & Operations Planning

At the heart of Aeonvis’ approach to supply chain planning is Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP), a collaborative framework that aligns demand forecasts, operational planning, and business strategies to ensure an optimal balance between supply and demand.
Strategic heart today because it enables companies to improve responsiveness to market changes, optimize resources and costs, and support informed decisions, fostering competitiveness in complex and volatile environments.


Demand and Sales Planning

We think that a demand planning process is essential for any company today; an accurate forecast of future demand is the basis for optimizing inventory, production and distribution. In a market characterized by volatility and high competition, this makes it possible to reduce costs, avoid waste and improve customer service. Companies today have new capital at their disposal in terms of data derived from the digital world, be it advertising campaigns, buying behavior on websites, lead collection: Aeonvis supports its clients in leveraging this capital of information for planning purposes, so as to enable data-driven strategic decisions, ensuring greater agility and responsiveness to market changes.

un operatore consulta il proprio tablet in un magazzino merci. Una previsione precisa della domanda futura è alla base dell’ottimizzazione delle scorte, della produzione e della distribuzione.


Capacity Planning and Production Scheduling

Master Production Scheduling (MPS) with Rough-Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP). Material requirements Planning (MRP) with Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP). Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP) with its constraints and capacities. Whatever the time horizon and granularity of planning, optimizing one’s capacity utilization has become a differentiating factor operating in an environment of volatile markets, unpredictable demand and margin pressure. Planning for efficient utilization of machinery, personnel, and facilities allows one to respond quickly to changes, reduce waste and costs, but most importantly, optimize return on investment in a competitive environment where efficiency and agility are critical to success.

Integration and Orchestration with Kinaxis Maestro

Our partnership with Kinaxis and the use of the Maestro platform represent the culmination of our vision for orchestration in the area of Supply Chain Planning. One more piece in the Aeonvis strategy of offering best-of-breed to our customers. This platform enables concurrent planning, where all supply chain processes run simultaneously in perfect harmony.

Kinaxis Leadership

Recognized as a Leader in the last 10 consecutive editions of the Gartner Magic Quadrant

Kinaxis Customer Success

Number and relevance of customers using Maestro with full success, cross industry and cross market

Aeonvis Competences

Our professional expertise dedicated to the implementation of Maestro for our clients

Aeonvis Customer Focus

The success of our clients in an increasingly competitive market, with tailored solutions powered by Maestro.

360-degree partners for our customers

Our commitment goes beyond the implementation of the planning solution, offering:
  • Management Consulting, PMO & Governance and Business Integration services. to accompany our clients in the transformation of processes, functions and organizational structures.

  • ERP Integration Services. Any Planning solution needs to be integrated into the ecosystem of business systems.Aeonvis, given its expertise on ERP solutions, SAP in particular, can support companies in implementing this integration.

  • Application Maintenance Services. A company’s supply chain is constantly evolving; likewise, the Supply Chain Planning solution must evolve. Aeonvis acts as a partner to ensure its efficiency and functionality over time.

Boost your business with our KINAXIS solutions

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