Salesforce CRM: Informed decisions, enhanced customer relationships


Data intelligence in the service of relationships. When Salesforce CRM is strategically managed, every customer interaction is transformed into measurable value.

#Salesforce #CRM #businessvalue

Aeonvis expertise transforms Salesforce into an ecosystem where customer relationships are enhanced by strategic and measurable insights.

Our established experience in CRM project management is reflected in numerous successfully completed initiatives, confirming our expertise in driving change.

Barbara De Masi
Barbara De Masi
Business Development Manager - De Nora

“The solution developed by Aeonvis allows us to streamline sales back office activities by managing the entire process on the Salesforce CRM, while providing a more rewarding user experience that is more in line with users’ daily activities.”

The evolving digital landscape and the challenges of modern CRM

In the rapidly changing digital landscape, customer expectations are constantly rising. Aeonvis does not just provide isolated technical solutions, but by orchestrating a coherent and effective design, turns complexity into an opportunity for growth.

CRM challenges

Aeonvis addresses key CRM challenges with a holistic and innovative approach.

Una cliente consulta su un tablet una dashboard dati. I clienti sono sempre connessi e richiedono informazioni in tempo reale. Aeonvis aiuta le aziende a offrire una visione a 360° del cliente garantendo una relazione personalizzata.

Improved customer experience

Customers are always connected and require real-time information. Aeonvis helps companies offer a 360-degree view of the customer by ensuring a personalized relationship.

Digitization and AI

Digitized interaction with customers must be continuous and enriched by personalized responses, including through the introduction of artificial intelligence into communication channels.

mano umana stringe mano robotica. L’interazione digitalizzata con i clienti deve essere continua e arricchita da risposte personalizzate anche grazie all’introduzione dell’intelligenza artificiale nei canali di comunicazione.
gruppo di colleghi amichevoli consulta i propri smarthphone. I processi decisionali richiedono un’elevata interazione tra i team aziendali, spesso in situazione mobilità; la personalizzazione delle cloud di Salesforce abilita tale collaborazione attraverso l’utilizzo di soluzioni facilmente accessibili anche da dispositivi mobile.

Internal collaboration

Decision-making processes require a high level of interaction between business teams, often in a mobile situation; Salesforce cloud customization enables such collaboration through the use of solutions that are also easily accessible from mobile devices.

Data analysis

Companies have vast amounts of data, which are often not transformed into usable analytics. Aeonvis helps companies organize data into structured information to enable the business to make timely and appropriate decisions, realizing a true data-driven business model.

Discover our Digital CRM & Analytics Solutions

cervello con metà reti neurali e metà digitali. Aeonvis aiuta le aziende ad organizzare i dati in informazioni strutturate per consentire al business di prendere decisioni tempestive e adeguate, realizzando un vero modello aziendale data-driven.

Salesforce services and value added

Aeonvis offers a wide range of services, orchestrating every aspect to maximize business value.

  • Configuration and customization

    Aeonvis configures the CRM data model and customizes functionality according to the specific needs of the client company.

  • Multi-cloud support

    Aeonvis has in-depth knowledge of all Salesforce Clouds to help customers choose and implement the most suitable solution.

  • Systems integration

    Aeonvis uses its years of experience in CRM process management in diverse industrial settings to implement solutions integrated with enterprise systems.

  • Change management

    Aeonvis can support business transformation activities by ensuring continuous support for business evolution.

  • Application Assistance (AMS)

    Aeonvis manages ongoing support for training, error resolution, user management, and evolutionary improvements through a dedicated team.

The Salesforce universe: interconnected clouds for borderless CRM

The Salesforce Clouds

Aeonvis leverages several Salesforce Clouds to cover all business needs:

Sales Cloud

Marketing Cloud

Data Cloud

Service Cloud

Data Analytics

Integration Cloud

Dynamic collaborations and target industries

Aeonvis orchestrates tailored solutions for a variety of industries, including automotive, manufacturing, education, food & beverage, energy, and Healthcare and Life Sciences. This versatility enables the creation of Salesforce ecosystems perfectly aligned to the specific needs of each market.

By integrating cutting-edge technologies such as Salesforce, Aeonvis guides companies toward more effective customer relationship management, streamlined business processes, and tangible, measurable results.

Vertical solutions for evolving industries




Food & Beverage


Healthcare & Life Sciences

Aeonvis added value: insights from our team

Michele Delia
Michele Delia
Director - Aeonvis

“With Salesforce, we optimize every interaction by turning data into value, strengthening relationships for personalized and sustainable growth. Using artificial intelligence and real-time analytics, we can automate key processes, anticipating customer needs and improving operational efficiency to create tailored experiences that foster innovation and loyalty.”

Success metrics: CRM/Salesforce in figures


industries served


projects completed / year


Skilled professionals




Transform your relationship with your customers! Get in touch to discover all the Salesforce solutions to support your business.

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