Integrated solutions for business excellence: from ERP to CRM, cutting-edge technologies for every industry


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Aeonvis offers SAP-based ERP solutions to manage business processes in an integrated manner. Our expertise enables the implementation and optimization of solutions that serve as the backbone of the enterprise, ensuring efficient and interconnected management of all business functions and aligning people, processes and technologies toward common goals of growth and innovation. With strong industry and process expertise, we implement SAP solutions helping enterprises improve efficiency and operational visibility, with particular excellence recognized by the Fashion market.

Through Neptune and its applications, we also make processes accessible on the move, harnessing the power of low-code for agile and tailored application development.

SCP / Kinaxis

With the Kinaxis Maestro suite of supply chain planning, Aeonvis guides companies toward agile and resilient management. Our consultancy integrates the solution’s capabilities to create an adaptive and interconnected supply chain ecosystem.

We thus orchestrate a technological synergy that optimizes logistics flows, improves end-to-end supply chain visibility, and enhances responsiveness to market dynamics.

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CRM / Salesforce

Aeonvis harnesses the power of Salesforce to enable a customer-centric transformation of the enterprise. Our vision integrates Salesforce’s advanced capabilities to create a CRM ecosystem that enhances customer relationships, streamlines sales, post-sales, and marketing processes, and generates sustainable value.

Through solutions in the Salesforce suite, we have created vertical solutions for the Automotive, Energy, Education, Finance, Food & Beverage and Healthcare & Life Sciences industries, driving a digital evolution that puts the customer at the center of every business strategy.

Digital CRM & Analytics

In the age of data, Aeonvis offers analytics and reporting solutions based on Salesforce, Adobe and Google technologies. Our consulting turns data into actionable insights, enabling informed, data-driven decisions.

We integrate these platforms into the enterprise ecosystem ensuring performance best practices and adaptive growth driven by data intelligence.

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Concrete results: the Aeonvis impact in figures








Completed projects


Managed Datasets

Integrated solutions for evolving industries


Consumer Goods


Fashion & Retail

Food & Beverage

Healthcare & Life Sciences


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together we can realize them!

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Before submitting the form, please review Aeonvis' full Privacy Notice The data provided will be used to process your request. Additionally, by submitting this form, I consent to staying in contact with Aeonvis S.p.A. and, for this purpose, I agree to the processing of my personal data for marketing purposes, specifically for the sending of communications, information, and updates about company events, webinars, or new products of interest to me. Communications will be sent via email, web applications, or phone.