Aeonvis Governance: method and expertise for successful projects


Driving change is crucial for the success of every initiative. We help companies innovate through strong know-how and our methodological best practices.

#Change #Success #KnowHow


Our Governance services are designed to address and overcome the challenges of change, enhancing the potential of all project components

The more than ten-year history of our successful projects is the best testimony to the ability to conduct complex initiatives of transformation.

Greg Codouni
Greg Codouni
Head of Connected Vehicles & Digital Projects – Stellantis

“My experience with Aeonvis’s Connected Services Team can be summarized in their ability to lead projects to success with competence and adherence to schedules, focusing on maximum collaboration between multiple involved work groups. Thanks to their ability to orchestrate project components and facilitate problem-solving, we have achieved high quality standards in software production.”


Enable, Fix, Orchestrate



We provide organizations with the tools, strategies, and frameworks they need to make their projects successful.

We adopt Agile methodology to improve decision-making processes and ensure quality results on time and on budget.



We address unforeseen challenges that may arise during large-scale transformation projects.

We adopt strategies to identify and mitigate risks, turning potential setbacks into opportunities for improvement.



We enhance individual design components to express the team's maximum potential.

Project success comes from a holistic view that integrates a clear communication strategy, different cultures and approaches, using sensitivity and experience in applying the best methodology.

We govern complexity to ensure our clients’ success. We use our expertise and experience to orchestrate different project aspects, from technological solution to process review, from methodology to communication aspects.

Fiorella Papaccio
Fiorella Papaccio
Director - Aeonvis

“At Aeonvis, we aim to anticipate future challenges by leading complex projects with a combination of strategic vision, technological innovation and an unwavering commitment to supporting our clients toward operational excellence. With an agile, results-driven approach, we are focused on actively contributing to building sustainable success for businesses that are increasingly called upon to adapt quickly to market changes.”

Key principles of Governance

Governance services are based on three basic principles: Enable, Resolve, and Orchestrate.

grafica. I servizi di governance sono basati su tre principi fondamentali: Abilitare, Risolvere e Orchestrare.
grafica. I servizi di governance sono basati su tre principi fondamentali: Abilitare, Risolvere e Orchestrare.





PM certifications




consulting man days/year

Sfondo astratto tecnologico di codice di programmazione per sviluppatori software e script informatici.

Our methodology for quality projects

Aeonvis’ E2E Testing offering ensures value to software developments through robust and comprehensive process and application testing.

We are committed to detailed process management, risk mitigation and harmonization of expertise to deliver software solutions of the highest quality.

Win business challenges with tailored Governance

Contact us and find out how we can achieve your goals

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