Business & System Integration: where strategy and technology come together


In an increasingly digital, complex and competitive landscape, Aeonvis adopts innovative Business and System Integration methodologies with the goal of supporting companies in creating value.

#Processes #Technology #Integration


In an ever-evolving digital ecosystem, Aeonvis supports business innovation by orchestrating solutions that transform complexity into tangible value

Our experience in successful projects concretely demonstrates expertise in leading complex business transformation initiatives, ensuring tangible and lasting results.

Enrico Taverna
Enrico Taverna
Founding Partner - Aeonvis

“Our mission is to implement successful projects starting from the analysis of business needs to propose the best functional and technological solutions. We maintain a rigorous methodological approach, oriented towards continuous improvement, and we value the growth of our consultants’ skills, offering a stimulating and innovative work environment. We work with passion, and there is no greater satisfaction than the trust of our clients, which motivates us more and more to do our work well.”


Amplifying value through integration

Our approach, deeply rooted in our understanding of business processes, enables us to weave a web of connections between heterogeneous systems.

From Supply Chain planning to ERP, Marketing systems to CRM and Digital Analytics platforms, Aeonvis amplifies strategic vision and optimizes every customer interaction from a multichannel perspective.

Diagramma di flusso dello sviluppo software che mostra il processo di ramificazione, fusione, pull request, commit, versione master, sviluppo e rilascio per il flusso di lavoro aziendale nella sezione Business & System Integration

Approach and Methodology

Concetti di marketing aziendale e sviluppo prodotto con sistema di gestione delle relazioni con i clienti (CRM) e pianificazione delle risorse aziendali (ERP). Pianificazione strategica e analisi dei dati.


Making the most of technology investments

Aeonvis selects the best technologies and creates strategic alliances for tailored solutions. We integrate tools of excellence calibrated to specific needs, optimizing technology investments.


Subject Matter Expert

Our Consulting and Application Maintenance teams work together, ensuring specialized expertise and sustained post-project support.

Un imprenditore utilizza la tecnologia AI per la gestione aziendale, lo sviluppo, la pianificazione strategica, la presa di decisioni, l'analisi di mercato, l'efficienza, l'innovazione, la crescita e la trasformazione digitale.
Automazione per i processi aziendali, ottimizzazione del concetto di sviluppo del flusso di lavoro.


Full orchestration

With our in-depth knowledge of the Automotive, Energy, Fashion&Retail, Healthcare&Lifescience and Manufacturing sectors, we create integration solutions suited to the peculiarities of the market, guiding companies toward greater efficiency by harmonizing systems and technologies.

Partners that amplify our impact

Accelerate your digital transformation

Contact us and find out how we can achieve your goals

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