AMS: Resilient applications for a constantly changing business


The Application Maintenance Service (AMS) model developed by Aeonvis focuses on protecting and enhancing investments in enterprise solutions.

#DigitalInnovation #ApplicationMaintenance #BusinessTransformation.


Our AMS offering aims to ensure the efficiency and functionality of applications over time, providing customers with an efficient technology ecosystem through proactive digital asset management

The track record of AMS services over more than a decade demonstrates our proven ability to successfully manage the most complex challenges of organizational change.

Giancarlo Andreoli
Giancarlo Andreoli
Group CIO - Serioplast

“The Aeonvis team has been outstanding in providing AMS services. Their expertise in business process management has greatly simplified our operations. The proactive approach and solution integration have significantly improved our efficiency and user experience. The ability to adapt quickly to changing needs and unforeseen challenges has been invaluable, ensuring continuity in operations, even in the most challenging situations.”


Value Added of AMS Service

Aeonvis enables companies to maintain high operational efficiency by mitigating the risks of systemic outages and technology obsolescence, thereby enhancing productivity and optimizing long-term operating costs.

Aeonvis’s evolutionary approach ensures that investments in enterprise systems continue to generate value, minimizing downtime and ensuring that application infrastructure remains state-of-the-art.

Incident and Problem Resolution

Continuity of Operations

Updates and Improvements

Adapting to Business Developments


Distinctive Values of the AMS Service

In response to market needs, Aeonvis has enriched its AMS services with some distinctive features.

  • Recurring surveys for service users

  • Continuous monitoring and reporting of service

  • User training

  • Managing FAQs and Training Pills on recurring topics and possible integration with automation tools/ Chatbots

Indicators of success:
AMS in figures


1 Ticketing system integrated with different systems of more than 15 customers




Service Managers (ITIL Certified)


Service availability


FTEs dedicated to the service


Customers in the past 2 years


Evolutionary man days/year


Service requests/year

Alessandro Rovere
Alessandro Rovere
Executive Director - Aeonvis

“My goal is to ensure that our clients receive high-quality, proactive and personalized service that supports their evolving business needs. We aim to continuously improve operational processes and provide effective solutions, ensuring continuity and reliability in their daily operations.”

Partners that amplify our impact


Choose our AMS service for consistent support over time

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