Data Strategy: what it is and how to build it
A few articles ago, we talked about data and their importance. Well, data is now everywhere. We collect it, classify […]
Digital transformation and analytics: the challenge of data management.
Data is at the heart of digital transformation, just as it is at the center of our lives and the […]
From Business Intelligence to Active Intelligence: here’s what changes.
Changing means innovating, facing new challenges, setting increasingly ambitious goals—changing means growing. This is the journey that business intelligence has […]
Business Intelligence: how much does it cost not to have it?
Why is it important for companies to invest in building a comprehensive data and analytics platform? In a previous article, […]
Business Analytics and Business Intelligence: what they are and how they differ.
We have already discussed this in our previous posts, but it’s never enough because data and their analytical ability to […]
How to Become a Data Driven Enterprise
How much of a difference can a good data-driven marketing strategy make? The winning combination always comes down to: data, […]
Humanizing digital technology through Design Thinking
The creative flair and the beauty of venturing beyond the unimaginable, the ability to evoke emotion by touching the most […]
Aeonvis joins the Kinaxis VAR Partnership Program
We are part of the Value Added Reseller (VAR) program of Kinaxis.
The role of Design Thinking in the development of emerging digital technologies
Thinking about what no one has thought of yet and solving problems that no one has ever been able to […]
The importance of adopting a data-driven marketing strategy.
“Data has become the fourth factor of production, after the classic land, labor, and capital.” Vincenzo Cosenza (digital strategist). As […]
Businesses and innovation: people at the center.
Sustainability: a word that is often used and perhaps overused. Yet today, it is the central topic, especially in professional […]
Aeonvis, already partner of Kinaxis, is mentioned as a reference system integrator as part of the PartnerLink partnership program.